On-demand webinar

Introducing Smart filters: redefining patent review

Smart filters is IPRally's new feature that sets a new standard for efficient patent dataset analysis. Pains that come with classical filtering and tedious manual review are replaced by a simple, conversational and proactive assistant. Smart filters are a powerful and convenient alternative to complex boolean filtering, and more importantly, they can perform tasks that are practically impossible with Boolean. Smart filters make IPRally’s Ask AI actionable and help you to identify the most relevant search results or patents from any other dataset.

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In this webinar:

  • A step towards full automation – what is the Smart filters feature and why have we added it to IPRally?

  • Yes, no, or maybe – how Smart filters make Ask AI actionable

  • Learn how to address the most relevant aspects of your search problem with single-aspect questions and multi-aspect questions

  • Learn how to frame your questions for the best possible output

  • Real-life use case presented by Hannu Huotari, Director, Strategic IP at ASM

  • What can you do with Smart filters that is impossible with Boolean filtering? We'll show you some eye-opening examples.

  • How this innovation fits into IPRally’s vision and what’s coming next

  • Live Q&A – Your chance to ask questions about Smart filters


Hannu Huotari-1
Sakari Arvela
CPO, Co-founder
Hannu Huotari
Director, Strategic IP
Antti Tarvainen