
Introducing IPRally's Image Search

Date: 24 October, 4 PM CEST
Duration: 40 min + questions

Image search initiatives have existed in the patent space before, but never in combination with Graph AI – until now. With Image Search, we're introducing a new way to harness the unmatched accuracy of IPRally's search engine. 

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Like IPRally's graph, text or number search, Image Search focuses on technical understanding. Instead of looking for visually similar images, it decodes the technical meaning of an image and searches for patents with technical similarities. 

Drag and drop any image to build a graph and search! It's fast, user-friendly, and provides a tremendous shortcut, especially when dealing with unfamiliar or hard-to-describe technologies. Plus, it adds a new layer of intelligence to your IPRally search – helping uncover prior art that might be missed using non-visual search input.

In this webinar, we'll demo Image Search and cover:

  • IPRally's Image Search, introduction, benefits and use cases

  • Optical similarities vs technical understanding. What is the logic behind Image Search, why is it different and why are we adding it to IPRally?

  • More than a thousand words – How the hidden intelligence in images can provide fast, unbiased, and accurate ways to describe inventions and find similar technologies.

  • Nudging the AI – the importance of context and how it can improve the search.

  • A new AI shortcut: Learn how Image Search can help you become more efficient and effective in your search processes.

  • IPRally’s AI Assistant Features – enabling Image Search and a sneak peek of our upcoming releases

  • Q&A

Based on the reactions from those who’ve had a sneak peek, we think you’ll love it. Get ready to experience patent search like never before!



Sakari Arvela
CPO and Co-Founder
Antti Tarvainen
Product Manager and Generative AI Lead